Investors’ Circle Brand and Site Design

Investors’ Circle is the world’s largest and most active early-stage impact investing network. IC has been finding, fostering, and funding startup innovation for over 25 years and their community of angel investors, venture capitalists, foundations, and family offices has invested over $200 million into more than 300 enterprises dedicated to improving the environment, education, health, and community. IC originally came to us to refresh their website as a result of a need to address the growing millennial investor-base that cares about digital brand expression. We were able to not only do their site redesign, but as a result of further, in-depth conversation, was able to rebrand them as well.
Here are some takeaways we’re proud to share:
- Investors’ Circle’s established record of 25 years serving the impact investment community needed to be one of the primary brand expressions of their new logo. This meant not re-inventing their brand expression, but rather modernizing it. In order to accomplish this, we were able to keep their new mark similar with a three-faceted circle, staying in the same blue color scheme with a modern variation as well as by keeping their typography roughly within in the same font-family.
- Another challenge laid in the the complexity of Investors’ Circle’s target audiences. Having two very high-value target audiences (Entrepreneurs and Investors), IC needed to be guided through prioritizing one or the other on their customer funnel on their home page. Through some quick consulting, we were able to together decide that focusing on Investors was going to be more important, and this yielded in a homepage that spoke primarily to Investors, with a few separate calls-to-action for Entrepreneurs.